Cover Letter Horrors

When applying for a job undoubtedly the cover letter is what entices an employer to view the application.

Here are some common mistakes made by Gen Y and others.

  1. Jokes – trying to be funny and chummy may lose credibility.
  2. Wrong Company Name – pay attention! Get the spelling and name correct!
  3. Irrelevant Experience – your proximity to the workplace isn’t a skill worthy of mention.
  4. Arrogance – “expert at technology”, “picasso of the art class” tells an employer very little about your skill base.
  5. Writing next to nothing – your name, phone number and saying “call me” is ridiculous.
  6. Criticism of a prospective employer – if you don’t like the employer, don’t apply!
  7. Personal Stories –  Interests and hobbies are good but  “no interests because you prefer to relax” suggests you are lazy.
  8. Poor English or poor communication  – “pretty interested” “job sounds quite good”.
  9. Using a professional writer – same words are supplied to everyone, so you look less than ordinary!
  10. Don’t write a personal promo for an online dating site!  Your personal likes and dislikes are best discussed with your date.

 Adapted from myself and at least another 20 of my colleagues.

Have a great day.


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